Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How the traditional Lungi is related to nakedness...

Well i had gone to my grandmother's home and it began to rain and i had to stay back for the night.My jeans were tight and so i asked her to give me something to wear for the nite.
She brought me grand dad's lungi.
I wore it bcoz it was not just comfortable but it contained a relaxing effect.
The night grew colder and colder due to the rains,but i slept peacefully just to be woken by my grandma's scream.
When i opened my eyes i found that i had covered myself from head to belly with my lungi leaving my manly object EXPOSED.Goodness ! I got screwed big time.
Well what happened in the night was that i felt cold and assumed my lungi to be a bed sheet.And the rest happened as expected.


  1. ऐसा ही होता है एक बार मैंने जींस पहन ली थी, मैं तो बता भी नहीं सकता कि क्या हुआ !!
