Friday, June 4, 2010

"A-SEXUAL REPRODUCTION for Humans" HAvE HeArd oF iT ??

WARNING ! Bad Guys do not read this.

Paragraph1:-Abortion is a very deadly sin.It kills someone.President Obama or Mother Teresa would not be born had their mothers aborted them.In today's age mostly contraceptive pill ads have dominated the pharma ads.There is always news of a girl being isolated from her family or friends due to unwanted pregnancy.

Paragraph2:-For a man ,a girl is like an idol he keeps in the house.He will worship her when he is happy and will blame her for his mistakes when he is a failure.It means that he needs her or else he is nowhere in society.Women come in various shape and sizes.Also in various forms like mother,sister,spouse or daughter.

If  you are an intelligent man/woman you will know that the above two paragraph relate to something.If you guessed Asexual Reproduction i would agree with you.Here is how a man can have asexual reproduction.

Step   1: Do not betray your pregnant woman/spouse.Leaving her at this stage may not be the case of rape,but a classic case of child killing which is not  a good thing to do.Have Asexual Reproduction insted.Marry her and she has already produced your child.
Step   2: Stand by a girl who is in distress.By a distressed girl  i mean who has been ostracized by her family or friends.Give her family.Give her your family.Very soon its you, her and her child all in Asexual reproduction.
 Step  3:Any girl in your locality had got raped and pregnant??She deserves normalcy.She is confused what to do,abort her child or fight the rapist.Its a sin to kill a child,be it the rapist's child.So as an educated man give her support so that she does not feel guilty about killing the child in her.Do asexual reproduction.
Step  4:Adopt a child if you want to reproduce but you see hundreds of children in the slum having no food to eat or dress to wear.
How about the idea ????

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